2020 - The Year of Adaptability, Resilience and Kindness.

Usually at the beginning of a month I set goals in my business that I want to achieve for that month.  But this is December and in December I review my year.  I do this to help me see how I can move my business forward and set goals for the year ahead.  

2020 - I don’t think any of us will ever forget this year!  This time last year who would have thought that a virus could shut down the world.

At the beginning of the year I hadn’t heard of the word ‘furlough’ let alone know what it meant.  But now I am using a whole new language; words like self-isolation, quarantine, face masks, social distancing, bubbles and lockdown, which as a teacher, that word was synonymous with a terrorist attack.

So looking back at my business this time last year, it was steadily growing and in fact I had just dropped half a day in my part time teaching  role and was in teaching in school for two days a week.  This was because I was getting busier with hypnotherapy clients and my ultimate goal was to leave teaching and follow my passion of transforming people’s lives through Solution Focused Hypnotherapy.  

January and February were indeed busy months.  I was averaging ten clients a week and had plans for growth and visibility within my business.

And then we arrived in March.  Covid-19.  Lockdown.  Fear.  Change.  The Unknown.

Now this was an enormous learning curve for me both personally and professionally.  The online world opened up.  Many of my colleagues were already seeing online clients pre-Covid as Solution Focused Hypnotherapy works equally well online.  And it was something that I had actually considered at the end of 2019 so I had a Zoom account already set up for my business.  I just hadn’t used it.

After an initial bout of panic and fear about using Zoom, I stepped out of my comfort zone and continued seeing some of my clients online.  And of course, the more I used Zoom, the more I got used to it and was able to continue serving my clients throughout the pandemic.

Also in March I set up a free Facebook group called Relax Restore.  This was to help people who might be feeling stressed and anxious at what was happening in the world.  The aim of this group was all about relaxation and a little bit of education about how the brain works and what we can do.  I had never set up a Facebook group before so, like Zoom, this was another learning curve for me.  But now, over 9 months later, I’ve grown in confidence with the format and with going live on video which for me personally was a ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ moment!

And now in December I have set up another free Facebook group called A Calmer Mind, A Happier You which I want to grow into a community of like minded people who are interested in positive psychology, self development and learning how we can live a happier, more fulfilled life. Click here to join if you are interested in all things mindset too!

On a personal level, I decided to leave teaching completely and finished my school career at the end of the summer term.  This had been my intention for a considerable period of time but with the arrival of Covid, things were put into perspective and there was a realisation that life is simply too short and I wanted to move forward and if I didn’t do it now, I might never do it.  Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t an easy decision and taking a leap into the unknown was indeed a frightening experience but my goodness it has been an exciting and empowering journey that I am still on.


It wasn’t only me in my family who was starting along a new path in September, my two children were also.  One to sixth form college and one to university.  I am immensely proud of how these two young people have adapted and adjusted to everything that has happened this year.  There was no rite of passage.  No exams, although in the end they were both relieved!  No end of school parties.  No prom.  No travel.  No sleepovers.  No going out and celebrating with friends.  No meeting new people in the way they were expecting and looking forward to.  Accepting new ways of learning, continuing to grow and taking it all in their stride.  

I will say it again, I am immensely proud of my children.

In the space of less than a year we all have adapted to so many changes; restrictions on seeing people, restrictions on what you can and can’t do, wearing a mask, queuing for shops, working from home, establishing new routines.

People have recognised what‘s important to them in to their life and what is not.  Life has changed in so many ways, some good, some not so good. 

But what has risen like a phoenix form all of this is the kindness that is deep within our human psyche.  The kindness shown by people has lifted the world.  People looking out for other people, people protecting each other, people pushing themselves to do their best, people stepping out of their comfort zone, people giving to and helping others.

So as 2020 draws to a close and we head towards 2021, I find that I’m excited about this New Year.  I’m hopeful for 2021.  I’m looking forward to 2021.  I have plans to grow in 2021.  To grow not only professionally, but personally too.  Self-development and self-care are not selfish and this is a learning I have taken from this year.  I firmly believe that taking care of you and putting your needs first is essential not only for our general wellbeing but for growth and moving forward.


If you are wanting to move forward in your life and create positive change.  If you are wanting to give yourself the gift of calmness, clarity, confidence and ultimately empowerment, then get in touch.

I would love to hear from you if you are ready to invest in yourself too.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Jayne xx


Love…..but not as you know it!


What Are You Grateful For?