Woodlands Hypnotherapy

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The Healing Power of Nature

We are learning more and more about the benefits of being outdoors and in nature.  But did you know about the science that backs this up and points evidence towards the fact that connecting with nature really does reduce our stress levels and make us feel better?

 So grab a cuppa and let me explain three ways this happens.


1 Taking a walk in the woods

When we walk in the woods it is widely recognised that we feel calmer and more relaxed.  Taking a walk in the woods or the park is becoming widely known in helping not only with our physical health but with our mental  and emotional wellbeing too.  It gives us a break from the busyiness of our daily lives and we appreciate the beauty and peace of being in nature.  Recent research has shown that even spending only a short period of time in green spaces or around trees may improve our health and boost our immune system.

So how does this happen?

All plants give off a chemical called phytoncides which they produce to protect themselves from insects.  When we breathe in the air around trees and plants we breathe in these phytoncides.  Now these chemicals have antibacterial and anti-fungal qualities which help the plants fight disease.  So when we breathe in these chemicals our bodies react by increasing the production of a particular white blood cell called NK or ‘natural killer cells’ (sounds quite violent doesn’t it!).  These cells work towards killing tumour and virus infected cells in our bodies and so strengthening our immune system.  Amazing isn’t it?


2 Digging in the soil

Now you may wonder at this but it has been found that the soil beneath our feet contains a natural anti-depressant and if you are a gardener I’m sure you will be nodding your head in agreement about the magical, healing power of the soil that you have known about for years.  Living in the soil is a microorganism called Mycobacterium Vaccae (M Vaccae) and it has been shown to reduce stress.  But not only has it has been shown to reduce stress, it also has been shown to activate production of that positive neurotransmitter that my clients know all about, namely serotonin. The chemical that helps us feel more positive, happy and better able to cope. 

When you are gardening and handling soil M Vaccae is released and you breathe it in.  We also eat it too in our home grown fruit and veg and fruit and veg that you would buy at a farmer’s market too.  So get out there and dig because breathing in and touching the soil is not only therapeutic but the evidence is there that it’s good for our mental wellbeing too.


3 Notice the patterns in nature

Did you know that a Fractal is a repeating pattern?  No I didn’t know that either.  In nature fractals are everywhere and it has been found that they relax people and can reduce stress.  Common fractals in nature are leaves, snowflakes, clouds, flowers, pine cones, ocean waves and ripples on water to name but a few. 

Scientists have found using MRI imaging and other brain measurements that people seem to be hard wired to respond to fractals in nature.  The simple act of sitting and looking at trees has been found to reduce blood pressure as well as the stress-related hormones cortisol and adrenaline.  What they found is that it is a reaction within the eye that causes our stress levels to reduce.  So by simply looking at these patterns actually calms the brain!  In fact being around patterns in nature has been found to reduce peoples stress levels by a massive 60% .  Isn’t Mother Nature amazing? 


Intuitively we’ve known for years about the healing power of nature but I find it so interesting to learn about the science behind it and understand how it works.

And if getting out into a green space is a struggle, then bring nature into your house by getting some house plants or growing herbs on a windowsill or buying a bunch of flowers to put on the kitchen table.  The science backs this up too.

So the message is clear - get out into nature.  Go for a walk in the woods or the park, do some gardening and really look at and enjoy what you can see around you.  And remember even if you are only out for 15 mins your blood pressure and cortisol levels come down and your immune system is activated.  

So use your senses to really connect and engage with nature. Breathe in deeply that wonderful, healing, magical fresh air that is freely available to us and notice the difference.

Love Jayne xx

PS - If you want to contact me to learn more about working together click here

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